
  People usually hate mice(老鼠), but one mouse owns the hearts of the people all over the world-the famous Mickey Mouse.

  Fifty years ago, most films had no sound.A man named Walt Disney made a cartoon(卡通)mouse that could talk in these films.He named his mouse Mickey Mouse.Soon Mickey Mouse became a good friend of both young and old people.Mickey is clean mouse right from the beginning.Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse.In his early life Mickey made some mistakes.People were very angry.They wrote to Disney and said that they didn’t want Mickey to do wrong things.As there were many things that Mickey could not do, Disney made a new animal named Donald Duck.He also made a dog, Pluto.This dog does foolish things and makes mistakes wherever he goes.Now our Mickey Mouse is not only clean, but more interesting.He came out as a star of beauty and wisdom(智慧).He has friends in almost every country.


1.What do people usually hate?


2.Why were people very angry?


3.What did Disney made?



4.The dog, Pluto is a clever animal in the film.(  )





  2.Because Mickey made some mistakes.

  3.A new animal named Donald Duck.




科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省十堰市2007年初中畢業(yè)生學業(yè)考試英語試題 題型:053


  When you are worried or stressed, what do you do about it?

  These days, a student website in Foshan opened for kids to let their anger and stress out.Students can write whatever they want online.

  Lots of students wrote their stories.Some wrote something about their teachers.Others wrote about their quarrels with their classmates.Many of them used      words.Some even wrote down the real names of their targets.

  Parents don’t like the idea.They said it could be against the law.Ms Cheng is the mother of a Junior2 boy.She said she wouldn’t let her son write on the Internet.“Saying bad things about others won’t help solve the problem.Children should talk to their parents,”she said.

  Ren Yi, 16, from Liaoning, said he didn’t agree with using bad words either.But he said releasing stress online wasn’t a bad thing.“You don’t have to use your real name.     knows you.You can let out as much as you want,”he said.

  Song Yinan, 14, from Shanxi thinks it has two sides.The good side is if others see your story, they may give you help.But the bad side is that if kids don’t control themselves, things could become worse.

  注:(1)stressed有壓力的 (2)targets目標 (3)law法律 (4)release釋放


①________ 、赺_______


①Ms Huang, the PE teacher told us our next match was a________ a Japanese team.

②Elsa loses herself in playing computer games.She can’t c________ herself though she knows it’s bad.




4.Did Ren Yi agree with releasing stress online?


5.How do you solve it when you’re worried or stressed?



科目:初中英語 來源:浙江省瑞安四校2011-2012學年七年級下學期期中聯(lián)考英語試題 題型:053


Dear Mike,

  Thank you for your letter.Do you want to know the weather here? Let me tell you.It's winter in Jinan.It's very cold and it's snowing now.Our school looks very nice.Some students are on the playground.Linda and Gina are cleaning the snow.Jim and Jack are making a snowman, Jenny and her friends are playing games.Our PE teacher Mr Miller is on the playground, too.He is running in the snow.Everyone is having a good time.

  What are you doing? Please write to me soon.




科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:053



  The junior class went on a trip to Camp Sunshine on their spring vacation.Unfortunately,on the trip,everything went wrong.First,the bus broke down.When we finally got to the camp late at night.We found that the cabins didn't have any heating.We were cold all night.The next morning Carol woke up with a cold.The first morning we had a good breakfast and went hiking,Chuck ate some fruit in the forest and got a stomachache.He took some medicine(藥),but he didn't feel very well after that.On the second day,Dan hurt his knee in a soccer game,and Nancy and Peter caught Carol's cold.On the third day,Maria got a sore throat,and Sonia got a toothache.I took Sonia to the dentist(牙醫(yī)).On the fourth day,Dora woke up with a headache.She didn't sleep much because Carol and Nancy coughed(咳嗽) all night.I gave aspirin(阿斯匹林) to all of them.I'm a PE teacher,not a nurse.By this time,only Ted wasn't sick.And on the fifth day,Ted woke up with flu(流行性感冒).What do you do when everyone is sick on a trip?We packed our bags and came back home.






Who was ill on the fourth day?


  B.Dan and Huahua.


  D.Nancy and Peter.

[  ]


They were cold all night.判斷正(T)誤(F)。



  We packed our bags and came back home.

