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科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】The dentist didn’t ____________ until it was nine o’clock in the evening.

A. show up B. show off

C. show around D. show to


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】Something special happened ________ Mary ________ the first day of school.

A. at;on B. to;on C. with;in D. about;in


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】A lot of athletes went to Brazil to ________the Olympic Winter Games.

A. take part in B. take pride in

C. take in D. take off


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】________ is my aunt and ________ boys over there are my cousins.

A.This; theseB.This; thoseC.It; thoseD.That; these


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】—______ are these socks? —They’re 5 dollars.

A.WhatB.How manyC.HowD.How much


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】 I love this song by Lady Gaga. Would you ____ the TV a bit, please? I can’t hear it clearly.

A. turn on B. turn off

C. turn up D. turn down


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】—Have a good day, Grace. —Thanks!________.

A.You, tooB.Nice to meet you

C.Good afternoonD.I’m fine


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】—________ Mary________ fruit? —Of course.

A.Is; likeB.Does; likesC.Does; likeD.Do; likes


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】I don't like my cousin Li Long ________.He is a naughty boy with bad manners.

A. above all B. in all

C. at all D. of all


科目: 來源: 題型:

【題目】This is the first time that I ________ to your school,Mike.Could you tell me something about your school?

A. come B. came

C. have come D. will come

