1. — What's that noise?
    — Oh, I forgot to tell you. Your bike_____(正在修 理).( repair)
2. You needn't have taken a taxi. Why didn't you catch the last bus _____ (按照我告訴你的)?(tell)
3. Little Jane looked pale and her parents were advised that much attention_____(注意)her health.( pay)
4. As Daisy works hard, she _____ (總是受到表揚)by her boss.(praise)
5. I do appreciate_____(給予了)the opportunity to study abroad.( give)
6. The applicant went into the manager's office five minutes ago. She_____(一定正在面試)at this
     very moment. ( interview)
7. They got several chances in the last few minutes but they didn't _____ (得分).(succeed)
8. I wonder_____(正在做些什么)now to help you. ( do)
9. People____(歡呼起來)after the famous doctor completed a 20-hour operation and saved
    the baby's life. ( burst)
10. The small country was____ (遭受攻擊的危險)by her powerful neighbor.( danger)
1. is being repaired
2. as I told you
3. (should) be paid to
4. is always being praised
5. having been given
6. must be being interviewed
7. succeed in scoring
8. what is being done
9. burst into cheers
10. in danger of being attacked

科目:高中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. — Has Mr Black decided not to take part in the party? 
    — Yes. The reason____(為此他拒絕)the invitation is not clear. (refuse)
2. Turn on the TV, please. The speech of the president____ (正在播放)live now.( broadcast)
3. If _____  (出現(xiàn)任何問題),you can call our emergency hotline free of charge.( go)
4. The old couple  _____ (結(jié)婚)for 40 years and never once they have quarreled with each other.( marry)
5. The West Lake,____(杭州因它而聞名),is a beautiful place.( famous)
6. Finally, I bought the new book,____(我為它花費了) twenty yuan, in the bookstore where a 
    friend of mine is the boss.( spend)
7. In this hospital, Mr Wu____(是一位好醫(yī)生)that everybody loves and respects him.( so)
8. Her bag,___(她把所有的書都放了進去),has not been found.( put)
9. During his stay abroad he made some foreign friends, _____ (其中兩個)are now visiting professors in
    Peking University.( two)
10: _____ (檢查了)the bones under the sand, the experts concluded that they came from the dinosaurs
     about 65 million years ago.( inspect)


科目:高中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. — Was Mr Smith alone at home last night? 
    — Yes. His children as well as his wife ______(受邀請) to the party. (invite)
2. When I was at school, I ______ (起床) very early, reading short articles in English Weekly. ( used)
3. Helena's father was so nervous that he looked out of the window almost ______ (每隔_個小時). ( every)
4. As we all know, the 2012 Olympic Games ______ (舉 行) in London, which is an ancient city. ( hold)
5. Usually, my digital camera _____(需要充電) after taking 200 photos. ( charge)
6. Look at the notice. You are not allowed_____ (進入) the gymnasium without permission. ( enter)
7. If you break the rules, you _____ (罰款). ( fine)
8. — What are we visiting next Monday?
    — A modern city that has appeared in______(是個村 莊)ten years ago.( what)
9.The music society_______(他參加的)was only loosely Organized.( join)
10. The box has been moved. Someone_______(一定來過這 里)last night.( be)


科目:高中英語 來源:同步題 題型:填空題

1. They invited us to visit their company, which____(他 們太友善了).( kind)
2. — It's great that Jane is coming to attend our English evening. 
    — I never doubted _____(她會來). (come)
3. — Dorothy is seldom late for her class. Why is she absent today? 
    — Something____(一定發(fā)生了)her.( happen)
4. That is a very good suggestion. It is worth____(考 慮).( think)
5. Look at the beautiful big house over there, _____ (它屬 于)an old woman.( belong)
6. The problem is____(我們能找到誰)to replace her. ( get)
7. I don't like them and _____(我姐姐也不喜歡).  ( nor)
8. My grandmother was born in 1943,____(當(dāng)時中日正 交戰(zhàn)). ( when, at)
9. He is the only one of the teachers____(懂法語)in our school.( know)
10. The way____(那位科學(xué)家解決)the problem was different from those the other scientists used
      to employ. ( solve)


科目:高中英語 來源:山西省月考題 題型:翻譯題

1.__________________(有這么多人交流)in English, it will be more and more important to
   have a good knowledge of English . (with )
2. At present, lots of food ,water ,tents and medicines _____________(正被運往)from all over
    China and other parts of the world to the earth-stricken areas . (transport)
3.The village _________________(我成長的)is a very beautiful place in the mountain.(grow)
4.It is well known that the Olympic Games ____________________(每四年舉行一次).(hold).
5.Communication becomes more convenient nowadays . Cellphones ______________(使得這成  
    為可能)for us to talk to anyone from anywhere. (make)
6. Most of us often say ____________(這是多么重要)to take good care of ourselves and our planets,
     but we don't always do as we say . (how )
7. What do you think ______________ (生活會怎樣) in the future?  (like)
8. ______________ (萬一碰到緊急情況), one should stay calm and take immediate action if
    necessary.  (case)
9. It's believed that the harder you work,___________________________________(你就會取得
10.  Look at the trouble I am in! If only I___________________________________(要是聽了你

