
Death Valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali sand.Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and Badwater, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and the lowest point in the United States.

    Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place “Tomesha”— the land of fire.Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849, when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure turned out to be a sad story.Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily.Luckily the change created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place.

    Here nature created a lot of surprising, almost like the sights on the moon, ever-changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors.One of the most astonishing and colorful parts of Death Valley is the Devil’s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from dreams.Sand sculptures stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.

1.The present name of the valley comes from _______.

       A.a(chǎn)n Indian name                                B.the death of the miners

       C.the local people                                   D.a(chǎn) National Movement

2.From the passage we can learn that _______.

       A.no one had ever known the desert before the miners

       B.it’s still not easy to travel across the desert

       C.people can find gas-stations, cafes and hotels in the desert

       D.people have changed the natural sight of the desert

3.The Devil’s Golf Course is famous for _______.

       A.the terrible sights                                B.the moon-like sights

       C.dream-like sights                                 D.the ever-changing sights

4.From the passage we can see that the writer _______ the Death Valley.

    A.a(chǎn)ppreciates         B.is fearful of          C.dislikes               D.is tired of


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:051

Death valley is one of the most famous deserts in the United States, covering a wide area with its alkali(堿性)sand. Almost 20 percent of this area is well below sea level, and bad water, a salt water pool, is about 280 feet below sea level and it is the lowest point in the United States.

    Long ago the Panamint Indians called this place Tomesha—the land of fire. Death Valley’s present name dates back to 1849 when a group of miners coming across from Nevada became lost in its unpleasantness and hugeness and their adventure ended with a disaster. Today Death Valley has been declared a National Monument and is crossed by several well-marked roads where good services can be found easily. Luckily the changes created by human settlement has hardly ruined the special beauty of this place.

Here nature created a lot of surprising scenes, almost like the sights on the moon, every changing as the frequent wind moves the sand about, showing the most unusual colors. One of the most astonishing and variable parts of Death Valley is the Devil’s Golf Course, where it seems hard for one to tell reality from terrible dreams. Sand sculptures(泥雕)stand on a frightening ground, as evening shadows move and lengthen.

1.The name of the valley comes from ________.

    A. an Indian name

    B.the local people

    C.a National Monument

D.the death of the miners

2. From the passage we can learn that ________.

    A. people can find gas stations, cafes and hotels in the desert

    B.no one had ever known the desert before the miners

    C.it’s still not easy to travel across the desert

D.people have changed the natural sights of the desert

3. From the passage we can see the writer ________ the Death Valley.

    A.is fearful of



    D.has never been to


闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂鎲涢幘缁樼厱闁靛牆鎳庨顓㈡煛鐏炲墽娲存鐐达耿閹崇娀顢楁径瀣撴粓姊绘担瑙勫仩闁告柨绉堕幑銏ゅ礃椤斿槈锕傛煕閺囥劌鐏犻柛鎰ㄥ亾婵$偑鍊栭崝锕€顭块埀顒傜磼椤旂厧顣崇紒杈ㄦ尰閹峰懘骞撻幒宥咁棜婵犵數濮伴崹鐓庘枖濞戙埄鏁勯柛鏇ㄥ幗瀹曟煡鏌涢埄鍐姇闁绘挸绻橀弻娑㈩敃閿濆洨鐣洪梺闈╃稻濡炰粙寮诲☉銏℃櫜闁告侗鍠涚涵鈧紓鍌欐祰妞村摜鏁敓鐘茬畺闁冲搫鎳忛ˉ鍫熺箾閹寸偛绗氶柣搴濆嵆濮婄粯鎷呴崨濠冨創闂佹椿鍓欓妶绋跨暦娴兼潙鍐€妞ゆ挾濮寸粊锕傛⒑绾懏褰х紒鐘冲灩缁鈽夐姀鈾€鎷婚梺鍓插亞閸犳捇鍩婇弴鐔翠簻闁哄倸鐏濋顓熸叏婵犲嫮甯涢柟宄版嚇瀹曘劍绻濋崒娑欑暭婵犵數鍎戠徊钘壝洪敃鈧—鍐╃鐎n偅娅滈梺缁樺姈濞兼瑧娆㈤悙鐑樼厵闂侇叏绠戦崝锕傛煥閺囩偛鈧綊鎮¢弴銏$厸闁搞儯鍎辨俊濂告煟韫囨洖校濞e洤锕、鏇㈡晲韫囨埃鍋撻崸妤佺厸閻忕偛澧藉ú鎾煃閵夘垳鐣垫鐐差儏閳规垿宕堕埡鈧竟鏇犵磽閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧、鏍川椤栨稑搴婇梺鍦濠㈡﹢鎮″鈧弻鐔告綇妤e啯顎嶉梺绋匡功閸忔﹢寮婚妶鍥ф瀳闁告鍋涢~顐︽⒑閸涘﹥鐓ラ柟璇х磿閹广垹鈽夊锝呬壕婵炴垶鐟$紓姘舵煟椤撴粌鈧洟婀佸┑鐘诧工缁ㄨ偐鑺辩紒妯镐簻闁哄浂浜炵粙鑽ょ磼缂佹ḿ绠撴い顐g箞椤㈡﹢鎮㈤崜韫埛闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍓佸垝椤栨稓浠氶梺璇茬箰缁绘垿鎮烽埡浣烘殾闁规壆澧楅崐鐑芥煟閹寸們姘跺箯濞差亝鐓熼幖绮瑰墲鐠愨€斥攽椤旂偓鏆┑鈩冩尦瀹曟﹢鍩¢埀顒傛崲閸℃稒鐓熼柟閭﹀幗缂嶆垶绻涢幖顓炴灍妞ゃ劊鍎甸幃娆忣啅椤旂厧澹夋俊鐐€ф俊鍥ㄦ櫠濡ゅ懎绠氶柡鍐ㄧ墛閺呮煡鏌涢妷鈺婃閹兼潙锕濠氬磼濞嗘帒鍘$紓渚囧櫘閸ㄨ泛鐣峰┑瀣櫇闁稿本姘ㄩˇ顓炩攽閻愬弶顥為柟绋挎憸缁牊寰勯幇顓犲帾闂佸壊鍋呯换鍐夐幘瓒佺懓饪伴崟顓犵厑闂侀潧娲ょ€氫即鐛Ο鍏煎磯闁烩晜甯囬崹浠嬪蓟濞戞鐔兼惞鐟欏嫭鍠栨俊鐐€戦崝濠囧磿閻㈢ǹ绠栨繛鍡樻尭缁犵敻鏌熼悜妯诲鞍妞ゆ柨瀚板娲礈瑜忕敮娑㈡煟濡ゅ啫鈻堢€殿喛顕ч埥澶娢熼柨瀣垫綌闂備礁鎲¢〃鍫ュ磻閻愮儤鍊堕柛顐ゅ枔缁犻箖鎮楅悽鐧诲綊顢撳畝鍕厱婵炲棗绻愰弳娆愩亜椤愩垻绠婚柟鐓庣秺瀹曠兘顢橀悪鍛簥濠电姵顔栭崰妤呫€冮崨顓囨稑鈻庨幘鏉戜患闂佸壊鍋呭ú姗€鍩涢幋鐘电=濞达絿娅㈡笟娑欑箾閸喐顥堥柡灞诲姂瀵挳濡搁妶澶婁粣闂備胶绮笟妤呭窗濞戞氨涓嶆繛鎴炃氬Σ鍫熺箾閸℃ê鐏ュ┑顔芥倐閺岋絾鎯旈敍鍕殯闂佺ǹ楠稿畷顒冪亱閻庡厜鍋撻柛鏇ㄥ亞椤斿棗鈹戦悙鍙夆枙濞存粍绻堥崺娑㈠箣閿旂晫鍘卞┑鐐村灦閿曨偊宕濋悢铏圭<闁绘ǹ娅曞畷宀勬煙椤旂瓔娈旀い顐g箞閹剝鎯旈敍鍕綁闂傚倷娴囧銊х矆娴h櫣鐭撻柣鐔煎亰閸ゆ洘銇勯弴妤€浜鹃悗瑙勬礃鐢帡銈导鏉戞そ闁告劦浜滅花銉╂⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮鏍敃閵堝棗浠忓銈嗗姧缁犳垹澹曢崸妤佺厵闁诡垱婢樿闂佺ǹ顑傞弲婊呮崲濞戞﹩鍟呮い鏃囧吹閸戝綊姊虹紒妯诲鞍缂佸鍨垮﹢渚€姊洪幐搴g畵闁瑰啿绻橀獮澶愬箹娴e憡鐎梺鍓插亝閹﹪寮崼鐔蜂汗闂傚倸鐗婄粙鎰垝鐠鸿 鏀介柣鎰级閳绘洟鏌涘▎蹇撴殻濠碘€崇摠缁楃喖鍩€椤掆偓椤曪絾绂掔€e灚鏅i梺缁樺姍濞佳囩嵁閹扮増鈷掑ù锝呮啞閸熺偤鏌涢弮鈧崹鍨暦濠靛棭鍚嬪璺侯儏閳ь剙鐖奸弻娑㈩敃閻樻彃濮曢梺绋匡功閺佸骞冨畡鎵虫瀻闊洦鎼╂禒鍓х磽娴f彃浜鹃梺鍛婂姀閺傚倹绂嶅⿰鍫熺厪濠电偛鐏濋崝鐢告椤掑澧い銊e劦閹瑧鎷犺閸氼偊鎮楀▓鍨灆缂侇喗鐟╅妴浣割潨閳ь剟骞冨▎鎾搭棃婵炴垶岣块鍥⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮澶愭晸閻樿尙顦梺纭呮彧缁犳垹绮堟径鎰婵烇綆鍓欐俊鑲╃棯閹呯Ш闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼�


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆廣東省廣寧縣廣寧中學(xué)高三上學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Death Valley is a land of beautiful yet dangerous extremes. Death Valley can be dangerously cold      during the winter months. Storms in the mountains can produce sudden flooding on the floor of the Valley.
The air temperature during the summer has been as high as fifty- seven degrees Celsius. The sun can heat the ground so that the temperature of the rocks and soil can be as high as seventy -four degrees Celsius.                                                                     
Death Valley contains evidence of several ancient volcanoes that caused huge explosions. Evidence of one of these explosions is called Ubehebe Crater. The explosion left a huge hole in the ground almost a kilometer and a half wide. In many areas of Death Valley it is easy to see where the ground has been pushed up violently by movement deep in the Earth. This movement has created unusual and beautiful rock formations. Some are red. Others are dark brown, gray, yellow or black.
The area was named by a woman in 1849. Thousands of people from other parts of the ountry traveled Lo the gold mining areas in California. They were in a hurry to get there before other people did. One group trying to reach California decided to take a path called the Old Spanish Trail. By December they had reached Death Valley. They did not have to survive the terrible heat of summer, hut there was still an extreme lack of water. There were few plants for their work animals to eat.
The people could not find a pass through the call mountains to the west of the Valley. Slowly, they began co suffer from a lack of food. To survive, they killed their work animals for food and began to walk out of the Valley. As they left, one woman looked back and said, “Good -bye, death valley.”  The name has never been changed.
Almost everyone who visits Death Valley visits a huge house called Scotty' s Castle. The building design is Spanish, with high thick walls to provide protection from the fierce heat.
The castle is named for Walter Scott , called Scotty by his friends. He was a gold miner. He told everyone that he built the house with money he made from his gold mine. Many people believed him. But it was not really the truth.
【小題1】The first two paragraphs discuss Death Valley' s               

【小題2】The volcanoes mentioned in the third paragraph proved          
A.a(chǎn) valley that is formed by explosions
B.a(chǎn) place where volcanoes are still active
C.a(chǎn) good example of the violence of nature
D.a(chǎn) symbol of rock formations in history
【小題3】The woman who named Death Valley intended to             
A.explore the mystery of the valley
B.find an area with plants for animals
C.experience the terrible heat of summer
D.look for gold in California
【小題4】If the passage continues, it will be about             
A.the truth about Scotty's Castle
B.why Spanish built the castle
C.when the castle was built
D.where the castle lies in
【小題5】The main idea of the passage is about          
A.the interesting place in Death Valley
B.the facts about Death Valley
C.the origin of Death Valley
D.the route to visit Death Valley

闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂鎲涢幘缁樼厱闁靛牆鎳庨顓㈡煛鐏炲墽娲存鐐达耿閹崇娀顢楁径瀣撴粓姊绘担瑙勫仩闁告柨绉堕幑銏ゅ礃椤斿槈锕傛煕閺囥劌鐏犻柛鎰ㄥ亾婵$偑鍊栭崝锕€顭块埀顒傜磼椤旂厧顣崇紒杈ㄦ尰閹峰懘骞撻幒宥咁棜婵犵數濮伴崹鐓庘枖濞戙埄鏁勯柛鏇ㄥ幗瀹曟煡鏌涢埄鍐姇闁绘挸绻橀弻娑㈩敃閿濆洨鐣洪梺闈╃稻濡炰粙寮诲☉銏℃櫜闁告侗鍠涚涵鈧紓鍌欐祰妞村摜鏁敓鐘茬畺闁冲搫鎳忛ˉ鍫熺箾閹寸偛绗氶柣搴濆嵆濮婄粯鎷呴崨濠冨創闂佹椿鍓欓妶绋跨暦娴兼潙鍐€妞ゆ挾濮寸粊锕傛⒑绾懏褰х紒鐘冲灩缁鈽夐姀鈾€鎷婚梺鍓插亞閸犳捇鍩婇弴鐔翠簻闁哄倸鐏濋顓熸叏婵犲嫮甯涢柟宄版嚇瀹曘劍绻濋崒娑欑暭婵犵數鍎戠徊钘壝洪敃鈧—鍐╃鐎n偅娅滈梺缁樺姈濞兼瑧娆㈤悙鐑樼厵闂侇叏绠戦崝锕傛煥閺囩偛鈧綊鎮¢弴銏$厸闁搞儯鍎辨俊濂告煟韫囨洖校濞e洤锕、鏇㈡晲韫囨埃鍋撻崸妤佺厸閻忕偛澧藉ú鎾煃閵夘垳鐣垫鐐差儏閳规垿宕堕埡鈧竟鏇犵磽閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧、鏍川椤栨稑搴婇梺鍦濠㈡﹢鎮″鈧弻鐔告綇妤e啯顎嶉梺绋匡功閸忔﹢寮婚妶鍥ф瀳闁告鍋涢~顐︽⒑閸涘﹥鐓ラ柟璇х磿閹广垹鈽夊锝呬壕婵炴垶鐟$紓姘舵煟椤撴粌鈧洟婀佸┑鐘诧工缁ㄨ偐鑺辩紒妯镐簻闁哄浂浜炵粙鑽ょ磼缂佹ḿ绠撴い顐g箞椤㈡﹢鎮㈤崜韫埛闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍓佸垝椤栨稓浠氶梺璇茬箰缁绘垿鎮烽埡浣烘殾闁规壆澧楅崐鐑芥煟閹寸們姘跺箯濞差亝鐓熼幖绮瑰墲鐠愨€斥攽椤旂偓鏆┑鈩冩尦瀹曟﹢鍩¢埀顒傛崲閸℃稒鐓熼柟閭﹀幗缂嶆垶绻涢幖顓炴灍妞ゃ劊鍎甸幃娆忣啅椤旂厧澹夋俊鐐€ф俊鍥ㄦ櫠濡ゅ懎绠氶柡鍐ㄧ墛閺呮煡鏌涢妷鈺婃閹兼潙锕濠氬磼濞嗘帒鍘$紓渚囧櫘閸ㄨ泛鐣峰┑瀣櫇闁稿本姘ㄩˇ顓炩攽閻愬弶顥為柟绋挎憸缁牊寰勯幇顓犲帾闂佸壊鍋呯换鍐夐幘瓒佺懓饪伴崟顓犵厑闂侀潧娲ょ€氫即鐛Ο鍏煎磯闁烩晜甯囬崹浠嬪蓟濞戞鐔兼惞鐟欏嫭鍠栨俊鐐€戦崝濠囧磿閻㈢ǹ绠栨繛鍡樻尭缁犵敻鏌熼悜妯诲鞍妞ゆ柨瀚板娲礈瑜忕敮娑㈡煟濡ゅ啫鈻堢€殿喛顕ч埥澶娢熼柨瀣垫綌闂備礁鎲¢〃鍫ュ磻閻愮儤鍊堕柛顐ゅ枔缁犻箖鎮楅悽鐧诲綊顢撳畝鍕厱婵炲棗绻愰弳娆愩亜椤愩垻绠婚柟鐓庣秺瀹曠兘顢橀悪鍛簥濠电姵顔栭崰妤呫€冮崨顓囨稑鈻庨幘鏉戜患闂佸壊鍋呭ú姗€鍩涢幋鐘电=濞达絿娅㈡笟娑欑箾閸喐顥堥柡灞诲姂瀵挳濡搁妶澶婁粣闂備胶绮笟妤呭窗濞戞氨涓嶆繛鎴炃氬Σ鍫熺箾閸℃ê鐏ュ┑顔芥倐閺岋絾鎯旈敍鍕殯闂佺ǹ楠稿畷顒冪亱閻庡厜鍋撻柛鏇ㄥ亞椤斿棗鈹戦悙鍙夆枙濞存粍绻堥崺娑㈠箣閿旂晫鍘卞┑鐐村灦閿曨偊宕濋悢铏圭<闁绘ǹ娅曞畷宀勬煙椤旂瓔娈旀い顐g箞閹剝鎯旈敍鍕綁闂傚倷娴囧銊х矆娴h櫣鐭撻柣鐔煎亰閸ゆ洘銇勯弴妤€浜鹃悗瑙勬礃鐢帡銈导鏉戞そ闁告劦浜滅花銉╂⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮鏍敃閵堝棗浠忓銈嗗姧缁犳垹澹曢崸妤佺厵闁诡垱婢樿闂佺ǹ顑傞弲婊呮崲濞戞﹩鍟呮い鏃囧吹閸戝綊姊虹紒妯诲鞍缂佸鍨垮﹢渚€姊洪幐搴g畵闁瑰啿绻橀獮澶愬箹娴e憡鐎梺鍓插亝閹﹪寮崼鐔蜂汗闂傚倸鐗婄粙鎰垝鐠鸿 鏀介柣鎰级閳绘洟鏌涘▎蹇撴殻濠碘€崇摠缁楃喖鍩€椤掆偓椤曪絾绂掔€e灚鏅i梺缁樺姍濞佳囩嵁閹扮増鈷掑ù锝呮啞閸熺偤鏌涢弮鈧崹鍨暦濠靛棭鍚嬪璺侯儏閳ь剙鐖奸弻娑㈩敃閻樻彃濮曢梺绋匡功閺佸骞冨畡鎵虫瀻闊洦鎼╂禒鍓х磽娴f彃浜鹃梺鍛婂姀閺傚倹绂嶅⿰鍫熺厪濠电偛鐏濋崝鐢告椤掑澧い銊e劦閹瑧鎷犺閸氼偊鎮楀▓鍨灆缂侇喗鐟╅妴浣割潨閳ь剟骞冨▎鎾搭棃婵炴垶岣块鍥⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮澶愭晸閻樿尙顦梺纭呮彧缁犳垹绮堟径鎰婵烇綆鍓欐俊鑲╃棯閹呯Ш闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼�


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2010年吉林省汪清縣第六中學(xué)高二下學(xué)期期末考試英語(yǔ)卷 題型:閱讀理解

Empty Deserts
In the 19th century Americans from the eastern states moved out west to settle in the rich new lands along the Pacific coast. The most difficult part of their trip was crossing the “Great American Desert in the western part of the United States by horse and wagon.
The western desert can be very dangerous. There is little water and there are few trees. But the desert also has scenery of great beauty. Tall towers of red and yellow stone rise sharply from the flat sandy valley floor. The scene has been photographed many times and appears in movies and in TV.
In Arizona, man made dams across the Colorado River have made two large lakes in the middle of the dry desert country. At Lake Powell, the red stone arch of Rainbow Bridge rises high above the blue lake.
There are few roads. Many areas of Lake Powell’s shore can only be reached by boat or on foot. But hikers in this empty desert land sometimes find very old native American pictures, painted on the rocks.
In Death Valley, California, the summer temperature rises to 130 degrees. There is less than two inches of rain each year. Death Valley is the lowest place in America---- 925 meters below sea level. In the 1800s, many travelers died when they tried to cross this waterless valley in the terrible heat.
Although the desert is dry and seems empty, there is plenty of life if you look closely. Small insects, snakes and rats have learned how to live in the desert heat. They live under ground and come out at night, when it is cool. Plants such as cacti need very little water.  When it does rain in the desert (sometimes only once or twice a year), plants grow quickly, and flowers open in a single day. For a short time, the desert is covered with brilliant colors.
【小題1】In the 19th century, Americans moved from the east to the west because they ______.

A.enjoy the tripB.wanted to make their home there
C.wanted to find new grassland thereD.had no water to drink
【小題2】From the passage, we can conclude that ______.
A.the western desert is a good place for people to live in
B.there is little water but there are many trees in the desert
C.the desert is dangerous but it is full of life
D.till now, people know little about the desert
【小題3】 If you want to find some old native American pictures painted on the rock you must go ______.
A.on footB.by boatC.by carD.by plane
【小題4】In the 1800s many travelers died in Death Valley because of ______.
A.illnessB.high temperature
C.cold weatherD.poisonous water
【小題5】In the desert, animals will die ______.
A.if they move aboutB.if they cannot make holes underground
C.if they come out at nightD.if they drink much water

闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂鎲涢幘缁樼厱闁靛牆鎳庨顓㈡煛鐏炲墽娲存鐐达耿閹崇娀顢楁径瀣撴粓姊绘担瑙勫仩闁告柨绉堕幑銏ゅ礃椤斿槈锕傛煕閺囥劌鐏犻柛鎰ㄥ亾婵$偑鍊栭崝锕€顭块埀顒傜磼椤旂厧顣崇紒杈ㄦ尰閹峰懘骞撻幒宥咁棜婵犵數濮伴崹鐓庘枖濞戙埄鏁勯柛鏇ㄥ幗瀹曟煡鏌涢埄鍐姇闁绘挸绻橀弻娑㈩敃閿濆洨鐣洪梺闈╃稻濡炰粙寮诲☉銏℃櫜闁告侗鍠涚涵鈧紓鍌欐祰妞村摜鏁敓鐘茬畺闁冲搫鎳忛ˉ鍫熺箾閹寸偛绗氶柣搴濆嵆濮婄粯鎷呴崨濠冨創闂佹椿鍓欓妶绋跨暦娴兼潙鍐€妞ゆ挾濮寸粊锕傛⒑绾懏褰х紒鐘冲灩缁鈽夐姀鈾€鎷婚梺鍓插亞閸犳捇鍩婇弴鐔翠簻闁哄倸鐏濋顓熸叏婵犲嫮甯涢柟宄版嚇瀹曘劍绻濋崒娑欑暭婵犵數鍎戠徊钘壝洪敃鈧—鍐╃鐎n偅娅滈梺缁樺姈濞兼瑧娆㈤悙鐑樼厵闂侇叏绠戦崝锕傛煥閺囩偛鈧綊鎮¢弴銏$厸闁搞儯鍎辨俊濂告煟韫囨洖校濞e洤锕、鏇㈡晲韫囨埃鍋撻崸妤佺厸閻忕偛澧藉ú鎾煃閵夘垳鐣垫鐐差儏閳规垿宕堕埡鈧竟鏇犵磽閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧、鏍川椤栨稑搴婇梺鍦濠㈡﹢鎮″鈧弻鐔告綇妤e啯顎嶉梺绋匡功閸忔﹢寮婚妶鍥ф瀳闁告鍋涢~顐︽⒑閸涘﹥鐓ラ柟璇х磿閹广垹鈽夊锝呬壕婵炴垶鐟$紓姘舵煟椤撴粌鈧洟婀佸┑鐘诧工缁ㄨ偐鑺辩紒妯镐簻闁哄浂浜炵粙鑽ょ磼缂佹ḿ绠撴い顐g箞椤㈡﹢鎮㈤崜韫埛闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍓佸垝椤栨稓浠氶梺璇茬箰缁绘垿鎮烽埡浣烘殾闁规壆澧楅崐鐑芥煟閹寸們姘跺箯濞差亝鐓熼幖绮瑰墲鐠愨€斥攽椤旂偓鏆┑鈩冩尦瀹曟﹢鍩¢埀顒傛崲閸℃稒鐓熼柟閭﹀幗缂嶆垶绻涢幖顓炴灍妞ゃ劊鍎甸幃娆忣啅椤旂厧澹夋俊鐐€ф俊鍥ㄦ櫠濡ゅ懎绠氶柡鍐ㄧ墛閺呮煡鏌涢妷鈺婃閹兼潙锕濠氬磼濞嗘帒鍘$紓渚囧櫘閸ㄨ泛鐣峰┑瀣櫇闁稿本姘ㄩˇ顓炩攽閻愬弶顥為柟绋挎憸缁牊寰勯幇顓犲帾闂佸壊鍋呯换鍐夐幘瓒佺懓饪伴崟顓犵厑闂侀潧娲ょ€氫即鐛Ο鍏煎磯闁烩晜甯囬崹浠嬪蓟濞戞鐔兼惞鐟欏嫭鍠栨俊鐐€戦崝濠囧磿閻㈢ǹ绠栨繛鍡樻尭缁犵敻鏌熼悜妯诲鞍妞ゆ柨瀚板娲礈瑜忕敮娑㈡煟濡ゅ啫鈻堢€殿喛顕ч埥澶娢熼柨瀣垫綌闂備礁鎲¢〃鍫ュ磻閻愮儤鍊堕柛顐ゅ枔缁犻箖鎮楅悽鐧诲綊顢撳畝鍕厱婵炲棗绻愰弳娆愩亜椤愩垻绠婚柟鐓庣秺瀹曠兘顢橀悪鍛簥濠电姵顔栭崰妤呫€冮崨顓囨稑鈻庨幘鏉戜患闂佸壊鍋呭ú姗€鍩涢幋鐘电=濞达絿娅㈡笟娑欑箾閸喐顥堥柡灞诲姂瀵挳濡搁妶澶婁粣闂備胶绮笟妤呭窗濞戞氨涓嶆繛鎴炃氬Σ鍫熺箾閸℃ê鐏ュ┑顔芥倐閺岋絾鎯旈敍鍕殯闂佺ǹ楠稿畷顒冪亱閻庡厜鍋撻柛鏇ㄥ亞椤斿棗鈹戦悙鍙夆枙濞存粍绻堥崺娑㈠箣閿旂晫鍘卞┑鐐村灦閿曨偊宕濋悢铏圭<闁绘ǹ娅曞畷宀勬煙椤旂瓔娈旀い顐g箞閹剝鎯旈敍鍕綁闂傚倷娴囧銊х矆娴h櫣鐭撻柣鐔煎亰閸ゆ洘銇勯弴妤€浜鹃悗瑙勬礃鐢帡銈导鏉戞そ闁告劦浜滅花銉╂⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮鏍敃閵堝棗浠忓銈嗗姧缁犳垹澹曢崸妤佺厵闁诡垱婢樿闂佺ǹ顑傞弲婊呮崲濞戞﹩鍟呮い鏃囧吹閸戝綊姊虹紒妯诲鞍缂佸鍨垮﹢渚€姊洪幐搴g畵闁瑰啿绻橀獮澶愬箹娴e憡鐎梺鍓插亝閹﹪寮崼鐔蜂汗闂傚倸鐗婄粙鎰垝鐠鸿 鏀介柣鎰级閳绘洟鏌涘▎蹇撴殻濠碘€崇摠缁楃喖鍩€椤掆偓椤曪絾绂掔€e灚鏅i梺缁樺姍濞佳囩嵁閹扮増鈷掑ù锝呮啞閸熺偤鏌涢弮鈧崹鍨暦濠靛棭鍚嬪璺侯儏閳ь剙鐖奸弻娑㈩敃閻樻彃濮曢梺绋匡功閺佸骞冨畡鎵虫瀻闊洦鎼╂禒鍓х磽娴f彃浜鹃梺鍛婂姀閺傚倹绂嶅⿰鍫熺厪濠电偛鐏濋崝鐢告椤掑澧い銊e劦閹瑧鎷犺閸氼偊鎮楀▓鍨灆缂侇喗鐟╅妴浣割潨閳ь剟骞冨▎鎾搭棃婵炴垶岣块鍥⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮澶愭晸閻樿尙顦梺纭呮彧缁犳垹绮堟径鎰婵烇綆鍓欐俊鑲╃棯閹呯Ш闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼�


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2010—2011年貴州省遵義四中高二下學(xué)期期末考試(英語(yǔ)) 題型:閱讀理解

In the 19th century, Americans from the eastern states moved out west to settle in the rich new lands along the Pacific Coast. The most difficult part of their trip was crossing “the Great American Desert” in the western part of the United States by horse and wagon.
The western desert can be very dangerous. There is little water and there are few trees. But the desert also has scenery of great beauty. Tall towers of red and yellow stone rise sharply from the flat, sandy valley floor. The scene has been photographed many times and appears in movies and on TV.
In Arizona, man-made dams across the Colorado River have made two large lakes in the middle of the dry desert country. At Lake Powell, the red stone arch of Rainbow Bridge rises high above the blue lake.
There are few roads. Many areas of Lake Powell’s shore can only be reached by boat or on foot. But hikers in this empty desert land sometimes find very old native American pictures, painted on the rocks.
In Death Valley, California, the summer temperature rises to 130°F—165°F. There is less than inches of rain each year. Death Valley is the lowest place in America---925 metres below sea level. In the 1800s, many travelers died when they tried to cross this waterless valley in the terrible heat.
Although the desert is dry and seems empty, there is plenty of life if you look closely. Snakes and rats have learned how to live in the desert heat. They live underground and come out at night, when it is cool. Plants such as cacti need very little water. When it does rain in the desert (sometimes only once or twice a year), plants grow quickly, and flowers open in a single day. For a short time, the desert is covered with brilliant (very bright) colours.
【小題1】In the 19th century, Americans moved from east to west because they            .

A.enjoyed the tripB.wanted to make their home there
C.wanted to find new grassland thereD.had no water to drink
【小題2】From this passage. we can conclude that         .
A.the western desert is a good place for people to live in
B.there is little water but there are many trees in the desert
C.the desert is dangerous but it is full of beauty
D.till now, people know little about the desert
【小題3】In the 1800s, many travelers died in Death Valley because of            .
A.illnessB.high temperature
C.cold weatherD.poisonous water
【小題4】In the desert, animals will die           .
A.if they move aboutB.if they can’t make holes underground
C.if they come out at nightD.if they drink much water

闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂鎲涢幘缁樼厱闁靛牆鎳庨顓㈡煛鐏炲墽娲存鐐达耿閹崇娀顢楁径瀣撴粓姊绘担瑙勫仩闁告柨绉堕幑銏ゅ礃椤斿槈锕傛煕閺囥劌鐏犻柛鎰ㄥ亾婵$偑鍊栭崝锕€顭块埀顒傜磼椤旂厧顣崇紒杈ㄦ尰閹峰懘骞撻幒宥咁棜婵犵數濮伴崹鐓庘枖濞戙埄鏁勯柛鏇ㄥ幗瀹曟煡鏌涢埄鍐姇闁绘挸绻橀弻娑㈩敃閿濆洨鐣洪梺闈╃稻濡炰粙寮诲☉銏℃櫜闁告侗鍠涚涵鈧紓鍌欐祰妞村摜鏁敓鐘茬畺闁冲搫鎳忛ˉ鍫熺箾閹寸偛绗氶柣搴濆嵆濮婄粯鎷呴崨濠冨創闂佹椿鍓欓妶绋跨暦娴兼潙鍐€妞ゆ挾濮寸粊锕傛⒑绾懏褰х紒鐘冲灩缁鈽夐姀鈾€鎷婚梺鍓插亞閸犳捇鍩婇弴鐔翠簻闁哄倸鐏濋顓熸叏婵犲嫮甯涢柟宄版嚇瀹曘劍绻濋崒娑欑暭婵犵數鍎戠徊钘壝洪敃鈧—鍐╃鐎n偅娅滈梺缁樺姈濞兼瑧娆㈤悙鐑樼厵闂侇叏绠戦崝锕傛煥閺囩偛鈧綊鎮¢弴銏$厸闁搞儯鍎辨俊濂告煟韫囨洖校濞e洤锕、鏇㈡晲韫囨埃鍋撻崸妤佺厸閻忕偛澧藉ú鎾煃閵夘垳鐣垫鐐差儏閳规垿宕堕埡鈧竟鏇犵磽閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧、鏍川椤栨稑搴婇梺鍦濠㈡﹢鎮″鈧弻鐔告綇妤e啯顎嶉梺绋匡功閸忔﹢寮婚妶鍥ф瀳闁告鍋涢~顐︽⒑閸涘﹥鐓ラ柟璇х磿閹广垹鈽夊锝呬壕婵炴垶鐟$紓姘舵煟椤撴粌鈧洟婀佸┑鐘诧工缁ㄨ偐鑺辩紒妯镐簻闁哄浂浜炵粙鑽ょ磼缂佹ḿ绠撴い顐g箞椤㈡﹢鎮㈤崜韫埛闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍓佸垝椤栨稓浠氶梺璇茬箰缁绘垿鎮烽埡浣烘殾闁规壆澧楅崐鐑芥煟閹寸們姘跺箯濞差亝鐓熼幖绮瑰墲鐠愨€斥攽椤旂偓鏆┑鈩冩尦瀹曟﹢鍩¢埀顒傛崲閸℃稒鐓熼柟閭﹀幗缂嶆垶绻涢幖顓炴灍妞ゃ劊鍎甸幃娆忣啅椤旂厧澹夋俊鐐€ф俊鍥ㄦ櫠濡ゅ懎绠氶柡鍐ㄧ墛閺呮煡鏌涢妷鈺婃閹兼潙锕濠氬磼濞嗘帒鍘$紓渚囧櫘閸ㄨ泛鐣峰┑瀣櫇闁稿本姘ㄩˇ顓炩攽閻愬弶顥為柟绋挎憸缁牊寰勯幇顓犲帾闂佸壊鍋呯换鍐夐幘瓒佺懓饪伴崟顓犵厑闂侀潧娲ょ€氫即鐛Ο鍏煎磯闁烩晜甯囬崹浠嬪蓟濞戞鐔兼惞鐟欏嫭鍠栨俊鐐€戦崝濠囧磿閻㈢ǹ绠栨繛鍡樻尭缁犵敻鏌熼悜妯诲鞍妞ゆ柨瀚板娲礈瑜忕敮娑㈡煟濡ゅ啫鈻堢€殿喛顕ч埥澶娢熼柨瀣垫綌闂備礁鎲¢〃鍫ュ磻閻愮儤鍊堕柛顐ゅ枔缁犻箖鎮楅悽鐧诲綊顢撳畝鍕厱婵炲棗绻愰弳娆愩亜椤愩垻绠婚柟鐓庣秺瀹曠兘顢橀悪鍛簥濠电姵顔栭崰妤呫€冮崨顓囨稑鈻庨幘鏉戜患闂佸壊鍋呭ú姗€鍩涢幋鐘电=濞达絿娅㈡笟娑欑箾閸喐顥堥柡灞诲姂瀵挳濡搁妶澶婁粣闂備胶绮笟妤呭窗濞戞氨涓嶆繛鎴炃氬Σ鍫熺箾閸℃ê鐏ュ┑顔芥倐閺岋絾鎯旈敍鍕殯闂佺ǹ楠稿畷顒冪亱閻庡厜鍋撻柛鏇ㄥ亞椤斿棗鈹戦悙鍙夆枙濞存粍绻堥崺娑㈠箣閿旂晫鍘卞┑鐐村灦閿曨偊宕濋悢铏圭<闁绘ǹ娅曞畷宀勬煙椤旂瓔娈旀い顐g箞閹剝鎯旈敍鍕綁闂傚倷娴囧銊х矆娴h櫣鐭撻柣鐔煎亰閸ゆ洘銇勯弴妤€浜鹃悗瑙勬礃鐢帡銈导鏉戞そ闁告劦浜滅花銉╂⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮鏍敃閵堝棗浠忓銈嗗姧缁犳垹澹曢崸妤佺厵闁诡垱婢樿闂佺ǹ顑傞弲婊呮崲濞戞﹩鍟呮い鏃囧吹閸戝綊姊虹紒妯诲鞍缂佸鍨垮﹢渚€姊洪幐搴g畵闁瑰啿绻橀獮澶愬箹娴e憡鐎梺鍓插亝閹﹪寮崼鐔蜂汗闂傚倸鐗婄粙鎰垝鐠鸿 鏀介柣鎰级閳绘洟鏌涘▎蹇撴殻濠碘€崇摠缁楃喖鍩€椤掆偓椤曪絾绂掔€e灚鏅i梺缁樺姍濞佳囩嵁閹扮増鈷掑ù锝呮啞閸熺偤鏌涢弮鈧崹鍨暦濠靛棭鍚嬪璺侯儏閳ь剙鐖奸弻娑㈩敃閻樻彃濮曢梺绋匡功閺佸骞冨畡鎵虫瀻闊洦鎼╂禒鍓х磽娴f彃浜鹃梺鍛婂姀閺傚倹绂嶅⿰鍫熺厪濠电偛鐏濋崝鐢告椤掑澧い銊e劦閹瑧鎷犺閸氼偊鎮楀▓鍨灆缂侇喗鐟╅妴浣割潨閳ь剟骞冨▎鎾搭棃婵炴垶岣块鍥⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮澶愭晸閻樿尙顦梺纭呮彧缁犳垹绮堟径鎰婵烇綆鍓欐俊鑲╃棯閹呯Ш闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼�


科目:高中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2010年浙江省高二上學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)卷 題型:單詞拼寫(xiě)


1.One small error could make the difference between success and d__________.

2.In dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the c________ in


3.Jack and Michael q________ about who should get the money, and stopped speaking to each


4.Usually, we hold a national flag-rising c________ every Monday morning.

5.Much money was contributed to help the v________ of the earthquake.

6. I’m u________ about the meaning of this sentence. Could you explain it to me?

7.L________ of water makes Death Valley a desert, but it is by no means devoid (完全沒(méi)有).

8.Catherine has just p________ her fourth novel.

9.CEO stands for C________ Executive Officer.

10.Tie a bandage f________ over the burnt area, when necessary.


闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂鎲涢幘缁樼厱闁靛牆鎳庨顓㈡煛鐏炲墽娲存鐐达耿閹崇娀顢楁径瀣撴粓姊绘担瑙勫仩闁告柨绉堕幑銏ゅ礃椤斿槈锕傛煕閺囥劌鐏犻柛鎰ㄥ亾婵$偑鍊栭崝锕€顭块埀顒傜磼椤旂厧顣崇紒杈ㄦ尰閹峰懘骞撻幒宥咁棜婵犵數濮伴崹鐓庘枖濞戙埄鏁勯柛鏇ㄥ幗瀹曟煡鏌涢埄鍐姇闁绘挸绻橀弻娑㈩敃閿濆洨鐣洪梺闈╃稻濡炰粙寮诲☉銏℃櫜闁告侗鍠涚涵鈧紓鍌欐祰妞村摜鏁敓鐘茬畺闁冲搫鎳忛ˉ鍫熺箾閹寸偛绗氶柣搴濆嵆濮婄粯鎷呴崨濠冨創闂佹椿鍓欓妶绋跨暦娴兼潙鍐€妞ゆ挾濮寸粊锕傛⒑绾懏褰х紒鐘冲灩缁鈽夐姀鈾€鎷婚梺鍓插亞閸犳捇鍩婇弴鐔翠簻闁哄倸鐏濋顓熸叏婵犲嫮甯涢柟宄版嚇瀹曘劍绻濋崒娑欑暭婵犵數鍎戠徊钘壝洪敃鈧—鍐╃鐎n偅娅滈梺缁樺姈濞兼瑧娆㈤悙鐑樼厵闂侇叏绠戦崝锕傛煥閺囩偛鈧綊鎮¢弴銏$厸闁搞儯鍎辨俊濂告煟韫囨洖校濞e洤锕、鏇㈡晲韫囨埃鍋撻崸妤佺厸閻忕偛澧藉ú鎾煃閵夘垳鐣垫鐐差儏閳规垿宕堕埡鈧竟鏇犵磽閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧、鏍川椤栨稑搴婇梺鍦濠㈡﹢鎮″鈧弻鐔告綇妤e啯顎嶉梺绋匡功閸忔﹢寮婚妶鍥ф瀳闁告鍋涢~顐︽⒑閸涘﹥鐓ラ柟璇х磿閹广垹鈽夊锝呬壕婵炴垶鐟$紓姘舵煟椤撴粌鈧洟婀佸┑鐘诧工缁ㄨ偐鑺辩紒妯镐簻闁哄浂浜炵粙鑽ょ磼缂佹ḿ绠撴い顐g箞椤㈡﹢鎮㈤崜韫埛闂傚倸鍊烽懗鍓佸垝椤栨稓浠氶梺璇茬箰缁绘垿鎮烽埡浣烘殾闁规壆澧楅崐鐑芥煟閹寸們姘跺箯濞差亝鐓熼幖绮瑰墲鐠愨€斥攽椤旂偓鏆┑鈩冩尦瀹曟﹢鍩¢埀顒傛崲閸℃稒鐓熼柟閭﹀幗缂嶆垶绻涢幖顓炴灍妞ゃ劊鍎甸幃娆忣啅椤旂厧澹夋俊鐐€ф俊鍥ㄦ櫠濡ゅ懎绠氶柡鍐ㄧ墛閺呮煡鏌涢妷鈺婃閹兼潙锕濠氬磼濞嗘帒鍘$紓渚囧櫘閸ㄨ泛鐣峰┑瀣櫇闁稿本姘ㄩˇ顓炩攽閻愬弶顥為柟绋挎憸缁牊寰勯幇顓犲帾闂佸壊鍋呯换鍐夐幘瓒佺懓饪伴崟顓犵厑闂侀潧娲ょ€氫即鐛Ο鍏煎磯闁烩晜甯囬崹浠嬪蓟濞戞鐔兼惞鐟欏嫭鍠栨俊鐐€戦崝濠囧磿閻㈢ǹ绠栨繛鍡樻尭缁犵敻鏌熼悜妯诲鞍妞ゆ柨瀚板娲礈瑜忕敮娑㈡煟濡ゅ啫鈻堢€殿喛顕ч埥澶娢熼柨瀣垫綌闂備礁鎲¢〃鍫ュ磻閻愮儤鍊堕柛顐ゅ枔缁犻箖鎮楅悽鐧诲綊顢撳畝鍕厱婵炲棗绻愰弳娆愩亜椤愩垻绠婚柟鐓庣秺瀹曠兘顢橀悪鍛簥濠电姵顔栭崰妤呫€冮崨顓囨稑鈻庨幘鏉戜患闂佸壊鍋呭ú姗€鍩涢幋鐘电=濞达絿娅㈡笟娑欑箾閸喐顥堥柡灞诲姂瀵挳濡搁妶澶婁粣闂備胶绮笟妤呭窗濞戞氨涓嶆繛鎴炃氬Σ鍫熺箾閸℃ê鐏ュ┑顔芥倐閺岋絾鎯旈敍鍕殯闂佺ǹ楠稿畷顒冪亱閻庡厜鍋撻柛鏇ㄥ亞椤斿棗鈹戦悙鍙夆枙濞存粍绻堥崺娑㈠箣閿旂晫鍘卞┑鐐村灦閿曨偊宕濋悢铏圭<闁绘ǹ娅曞畷宀勬煙椤旂瓔娈旀い顐g箞閹剝鎯旈敍鍕綁闂傚倷娴囧銊х矆娴h櫣鐭撻柣鐔煎亰閸ゆ洘銇勯弴妤€浜鹃悗瑙勬礃鐢帡銈导鏉戞そ闁告劦浜滅花銉╂⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮鏍敃閵堝棗浠忓銈嗗姧缁犳垹澹曢崸妤佺厵闁诡垱婢樿闂佺ǹ顑傞弲婊呮崲濞戞﹩鍟呮い鏃囧吹閸戝綊姊虹紒妯诲鞍缂佸鍨垮﹢渚€姊洪幐搴g畵闁瑰啿绻橀獮澶愬箹娴e憡鐎梺鍓插亝閹﹪寮崼鐔蜂汗闂傚倸鐗婄粙鎰垝鐠鸿 鏀介柣鎰级閳绘洟鏌涘▎蹇撴殻濠碘€崇摠缁楃喖鍩€椤掆偓椤曪絾绂掔€e灚鏅i梺缁樺姍濞佳囩嵁閹扮増鈷掑ù锝呮啞閸熺偤鏌涢弮鈧崹鍨暦濠靛棭鍚嬪璺侯儏閳ь剙鐖奸弻娑㈩敃閻樻彃濮曢梺绋匡功閺佸骞冨畡鎵虫瀻闊洦鎼╂禒鍓х磽娴f彃浜鹃梺鍛婂姀閺傚倹绂嶅⿰鍫熺厪濠电偛鐏濋崝鐢告椤掑澧い銊e劦閹瑧鎷犺閸氼偊鎮楀▓鍨灆缂侇喗鐟╅妴浣割潨閳ь剟骞冨▎鎾搭棃婵炴垶岣块鍥⒒閸屾艾鈧绮堟笟鈧獮澶愭晸閻樿尙顦梺纭呮彧缁犳垹绮堟径鎰婵烇綆鍓欐俊鑲╃棯閹呯Ш闁哄被鍔戦幃銈夊磼濞戞﹩浼�


闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚敐澶婄闁挎繂鎲涢幘缁樼厱闁靛牆鎳庨顓㈡煛鐏炶鈧繂鐣烽锕€唯闁挎棁濮ら惁搴♀攽閻愬樊鍤熷┑顔炬暬閹虫繃銈i崘銊у幋闂佺懓顕崑娑氱不閻樼粯鈷戠紒瀣皡閺€缁樸亜閵娿儲顥㈡鐐茬墦婵℃瓕顦柛瀣崌濡啫鈽夊▎蹇旀畼闁诲氦顫夊ú鏍ь嚕閸洖绠為柕濞垮労濞撳鎮归崶顏勭处濠㈣娲熷缁樻媴閾忕懓绗℃繛鎾寸椤ㄥ﹤鐣烽弶搴撴婵ê褰夌粭澶娾攽閻愭潙鐏﹂懣銈嗕繆閹绘帞澧涚紒缁樼洴瀹曞崬螣閸濆嫷娼旀俊鐐€曠换鎺楀窗閺嵮屾綎缂備焦蓱婵挳鏌ら幁鎺戝姢闁靛棗锕娲閳哄啰肖缂備胶濮甸幑鍥偘椤旇法鐤€婵炴垶鐟﹀▍銏ゆ⒑鐠恒劌娅愰柟鍑ゆ嫹 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤缂嶅﹪寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ょ紓宥咃躬瀵鎮㈤崗灏栨嫽闁诲酣娼ф竟濠偽i鍓х<闁绘劦鍓欓崝銈囩磽瀹ュ拑韬€殿喖顭烽幃銏ゅ礂鐏忔牗瀚介梺璇查叄濞佳勭珶婵犲伣锝夘敊閸撗咃紲闂佺粯鍔﹂崜娆戠矆閸愨斂浜滈柡鍥ф濞层倝鎮″鈧弻鐔告綇妤e啯顎嶉梺绋款儐閸旀瑩寮诲☉妯锋瀻闊浄绲炬晥闂備浇顕栭崰妤呮偡瑜忓Σ鎰板箻鐎涙ê顎撻梺鍛婄箓鐎氱兘鍩€椤掆偓閻倿寮诲☉銏犖╅柕澹啰鍘介柣搴㈩問閸犳牠鈥﹂柨瀣╃箚闁归棿绀侀悡娑㈡煕鐏炲墽鐓紒銊ょ矙濮婄粯鎷呴崨闈涚秺瀵敻顢楅崒婊呯厯闂佺鎻€靛矂寮崒鐐寸叆闁绘洖鍊圭€氾拷