Macau (澳門) is only forty miles from Hong Kong and it's easy
reaching. It is interesting place and has a long history. 1.________
Macau is part of China and most people live there are 2.________
Chinese. The first Europeans to Macau come from Portugese. 3.________
About over four hundred years before, the Portugese went 4.________
there to trade China. Some settled and made home there. 5.________
They built churches, schools and hospitals. Slow the city 6.________
grew. Today many people visited Macau. It's a quiet and 7.________
peaceful place. It's pleasant just to walk around and look 8.________
at the old buildings and ports. You will feel you are back 9.________
in the old days. When are hot and tired, there're small cool10.________
gardens to rest in. When hungry, there're many kinds of food.
Macau is well worth visiting.