Unit Four Science in English

Lesson Three A knowledge Quiz

1.      Fractions


2.      Phrases

That’s right / correct.


3.      Talking about the earth and space


4.      Making comments


5.      Expressing appreciation

Daily talk


1.      How old are you?

2.      How old is our country?

3.      How old is our Party?

4.      How old is our Earth?

5.      How many of the students in your class are girls?

6.      How many of the students in your class are boys?

7.      How much of the Earth’s surface is land?

8.      Is it about one-third or two-thirds?

9.      Are deserts in the sea or on the land?

10.  Is the sun a star or a planet?

11.  What moves around the sun? (Planets)

12.  Does the sun set in the east or west?

13.  Where does the sun rise?

14.  Is our Earth a star or a planet?

15.  How many planets are there around the sun?

16.  Are the Class Two students having a test?

17.  Are the Class Two students having a quiz?

18.  What are the Class Two students doing?

19.  What are they having an English class or a geography class?

20.  Have you had a class like that?


1.      Are they having a knowledge quiz about the Earth and space?

2.      What are the Class Two students doing?

3.      Who’s asking questions?

4.      Are the students’ answers correct?


That’s right / correct.

A: Do you live at 15 Garden Street?

B: That’s right.

A: Is your telephone number…?

B: That’s right.


5.      How much of the Earth’s surface is water?

6.      How much of the world’s land surface is desert?

Well done.

A: We’ve decorated our classroom.

B: Well done.


7.      You’ve all got a very good knowledge of the Earth and space, haven’t you?

8.      You’re history teacher has got a very good knowledge of Chinese history, hasn’t he?

9.      She has a very good knowledge of music, doesn’t she?

10.  We can learn a lot of knowledge, can’t we?




1.      Recite the text

2.      Copy the words and text

3.      Recite the text


Daily talk


1.      How many numbers are there in a fraction? (Two)

2.      What is the difference between the first and the second number?

(a cardinal number / an ordinal number)

3.      When do you need to add “s” to the second number?

(When the first number is larger than one.)

4.      How do you say 3/4 and 7/10 in English?

(three-fourths and seven-tenths)

Listening I II


Work in four groups















Daily talk


1.      Explain

2.      Finish the exercise




Exercises in WB




Daily talk


Language focus

Ex I / II / III on the blackboard


Skill focus





Daily talk



Listening comprehension


Read the passage and answer the questions below.



Skill focus Ex. 4 5 6




Daily talk


Check focus Ex 4 5 6



Go over the three lessons in Unit Four
