Where is the girl's eraser? A. In her desk. B. In her pencil case. C. On her desk. 查看更多



1. What time did the boy get up this morning?

       A                    B                C
2. What's the weather like when they are talking?
3. What's Linda's hobby?
4. How did the man want to go to Beijing at first?
5. Where are they going?
A. To the Space Museum.
B. To the Art Museum.
C. To the History Museum.
6. What size shirt does the man wear?
A. Size 39.
B. Size 40.
C. Size 42.
7. Who is the woman looking for?
A. Bob.
B. Tom.
C. Her son.
8. What does Julia need to find for her hiking trip?
A. A map.
B. Food.
C. A mobile phone.
9. Where is the girl's pencil case?
A. On the table.
B. On the floor.
C. In her bag.
10. What time will the train arrive in Dalian?
A. At 7 p.m.
B. At 8 p.m.
C. At 9 p.m.


1.Which bird does Amy like most? 
2.What was Sally drawing?
3.What does Bob’s father do?
4.What does the boy do after class?
5. What does Julia need to find for her hiking trip?
A. A map.    
B. Food.  
C. A mobile phone.
6. Where is the girl’s English book?  
A. At home.    
B. At school.  
C. In the bag.
7. What did the man do last night?
A. Watched TV.  
B. Had a party.
C. Went to the cinema.
8. What are Lucy and Lily doing now?   
A. They are cleaning the library.
B. They are reading in the library.       
C. They are borrowing books in the library.
9. How did Nick,s sister do in the exam? 
A. Very badly.  
B. Very well.  
C. Not so well.
10. How long does Tom spend on his hobbies now?
A. About two hours.
B. About fifty minutes.
C. About thirty minutes.


1. Where is the girl's father working now?
[     ]
A. In a TV factory.
B. In a hospital.
C. On a farm.
2. What does the boy want to be in the future?
[     ]
A. A doctor.
B. A policeman.
C. An English teacher.
3. What is the girl going to do this Sunday?
[     ]
A. To visit the Great Wall.
B. To help her mum do the housework.
C. To study at home.
4. What sport does the girl like better?
[     ]
A. Table tennis.
B. Cycling.
C. Basketball.
5. Which river does the girl think is longer?
[     ]
A. The Amazon River.
B. The Changjiang River.
C. The Yellow River.


1. Where is the girl’s father now?
A. In America
B. In London
C. At the airport
2.What time is it now?
A. It’s 4:50
B. It’s 4:45
C. It’s 4:40
3. Where are they?
A. On the road
B. At a road crossing
C. In a room
4. What are they going to buy?
A. A tennis ball
B. A new pair of shoes
C. Tennis shoes
5. What happened to the woman?
A. Someone stole the necklace her mother had given her
B. A thousand yuanwas missing
C. The necklace that cost a thousand dollars was missing
6. A. 6:45
B. 7:15
C. 7:45
7. A. He doesn’t like the film
B. He has lots of homework to do .
C. He doesn’t want to see a film with her.
8 . A. 11 yuan
B. 16 yuan
C. 18 yuan
9. A. In the library
B. On the plane
C. On a bus
10. A. 7 years
B. 30 years
C. 13 years


1. Where is the girl's father now?
A. In America
B. In London
C. At the airport
2. Why isn't the boy going to see the film?
A. He doesn't like the film.
B. He has lots of homework to do.
C. He doesn't want to see a film with her.
3. Where are they talking?
A. In the library
B. On the plane
C. On a bus
4. How long did the man stay in Sydney?
A. 7 years
B. 30 years
C. 13 years
5. What time is it now?
A. It's 6:50
B. It's 6:45
C. It's 6:40

